Monday, June 7, 2010

Everything is coming up Tabi!

Yeah Yeah Yeah!!

So the Victim Party is in full swing. We are awesome and we all love pop punk. It's also really nice to make music with a bunch of good buddies. We have been making pretty amazing progress for a band that started in early March and we tend to knock a song out per band practice.

I feel pretty lucky to play in a band with a gaggle of incredibly talented and experienced musicians but it can obviously get a bit intimidating at times.

We've played two shows so far (well attended, fun shows might I add) and we are now officially playing at the Bovine on June 16th for a NXNE Juicebox/UOBA showcase, how the eff did that happen??

In other news, my tattoo rules!! Colin and I are planning on getting awesome wedding tattoos, right now it's a toss up between a rocket ship and an old timey "flying machine", we just have to find the right one.

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