So, Colin was a last minute addition to the game when one of our contestants was a no show. I achieved my main goal, win the first round and make it into the finals (and also kick Colin's ass so bad I almost lapped him in points!)As you can see from the above photo he came in second and got some Duff beer (the prize he would have most wanted anyway)and I came in first and got the sailboat painting I wanted oh so bad!!
Sadly in the final round I came in 2nd, losing by 1 fuckign point eats it, especially when there were 2 different, insanely easy questions that I buzzed in on time for but then totally blanked. It was stuff I knew, stuff I that I consider common knowledge! But when your on stage with a time limit the pressure gets to you...Goddamn.
I have the best friends ever, they came out to support me and they made the cutest signs ever. My entourage definitely brought the party, everyone else was jealously looking out into the audience wishing their friends were that cool and liked them that much! Thanks guys, I had such a fun fucking night!
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